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Volunteer Resources

Volunteer Application

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and return to SCC 11699  Merrell Rd., Groveland, CA 95321 or email to

Wheels Driver Handbook

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Waiver of Liability

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Volunteer Handbook

Review our Volunteer Handbook prior to your orientation date. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during orientation.

Incident Report

All incidents must be reported to the Executive Director and Wheels Transportation Coordinators. This form needs to be filled out and returned to our office within 24 hours of the incident.

Volunteer Code of Conduct

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Volunteer Application

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and return to SCC 11699  Merrell Rd., Groveland, CA 95321 or email to

Wheels Driver Handbook

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Waiver of Liability

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Volunteer Handbook

Review our Volunteer Handbook prior to your orientation date. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during orientation.

Incident Report

All incidents must be reported to the Executive Director and Wheels Transportation Coordinators. This form needs to be filled out and returned to our office within 24 hours of the incident.

Volunteer Code of Conduct

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Incident Report

All incidents must be reported to the Executive Director and Wheels Transportation Coordinators. This form needs to be filled out and returned to our office within 24 hours of the incident.

Wheels Volunteer Statement of Understanding

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and return to SCC 11699  Merrell Rd., Groveland, CA 95321 or email to

Wheels Driver Handbook

This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

Wheels Volunteer Job Description

Review our Volunteer Handbook prior to your orientation date. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during orientation.

Waiver of Liability

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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