3 Benefits of Volunteering

As a small rural community, Groveland is constrained by variables that don’t affect our larger, urban counterparts. For instance, our population is considerably smaller, the median age is higher, and public transportation is nonexistent. Due to these, and other restraints, it can be difficult to volunteer our time. However, our community can rise above these limitations. We need only change our perspectives and focus on the brighter sides of volunteering our time. Here are three benefits to volunteering for Southside Community Connection (SCC).

Access the historical vaults of our senior neighbors

As you walk through MarVal, take notice of our aging community members. How long have they lived in this area and what kinds of stories do they have about our community? We lose a loved one, a neighbor, a community member more often than we would like to admit. With every loss, our community loses a sense of what we once were. Mitigate this brain-drain by volunteering with SCC.

Cure loneliness and boredom

This benefit goes without saying for SCC senior members. Did you know it also applies to our volunteers? The pandemic has been difficult for all of us and we need each other more than ever right now. Many of us are still affected by the lockdowns, either due to remnants of mental strain or because we are still quarantined for one reason or another. A simple phone call, or visit if we are able, can lift our spirits and give us something to look forward to. Cure your loneliness and boredom; volunteer and form friendships with other community members through SCC.

Stretch your legs

It can be difficult to schedule time to exercise. Some of us can become quite sedentary, and the longer we wait to exercise, the more difficult it becomes to motivate ourselves. SCC can provide that motivation. SCC senior members would love help moving furniture, stacking firewood, taking out the garbage or even a friendly walk-around the neighbourhood. Of course it is important to stay within your own limitations, but don’t hold back if you are able! Strengthen your muscles and your heart: volunteer with SCC.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to hear from you soon

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